Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Velvet Verbosity Challenge

I was blog-stalking, and found the Velvet Verbosity 100-word challenge, and the word-prompt this week was "Family".  So, I felt something in my gut, and I wrote it.


Love means never having to say you’re sorry, but knowing you should anyway.

There are so many things that I need to say to you, but you’re gone.  I will write you as many letters as possible until I feel I have said all the things I need to say, but I already know they won’t do any good, because you won’t be able to respond.  You won’t be able to say “I love you” anymore.  You didn’t say it much, anyway, but I know now I always knew.

Blood is thicker than water, but love is thicker than blood.


  1. That's beautiful, and sad. Love is such a complicated thing, when it comes to family.

  2. Welcome to the challenge. I love this piece. I hope writing it helped you find peace.

    Please go and reenter the url for the challenge - the link you posted is broken. I backtracked to find you.

  3. Wonderful post. We always think we have time to say what needs to be said.

    Welcome to the Challenge. I had to backtrack like PM, and I'm glad I did.

  4. Thank you all very much. I re-entered my link, I hope it worked. Sorry, I'm kind of technologically impaired sometimes, hehe, so I need all the help I can get :)

  5. You reminded me of a feeling I hate to feel. :) But I guess that means: well done. And nice to see peeps here from Indie Ink!

  6. Hello - I'm going through this very same thing with the recent loss of my father. We became close in these last years, but so many were stretched thin by friction and tension. If only we knew then what we know now.

    Wonderfully written. Welcome to the challenge.

  7. @lazidaisical Thank you, and I guess that means I did my job :)

    @clew I'm sorry for your loss, I don't know what you're going through, but I can relate. Thanks.

  8. Bittersweet... very nicely done!

  9. Welcome to the challenge!

    Very bittersweet. I've not yet lost someone close to me, so thank you for the reminder to not waste any time saying what I need to say.
