Friday, May 13, 2011



Lately, I have been wanting to update this thing I've got going on here, and I've actually started writing many posts to follow through on my idea of updating, but every time I start one, I manage to talk myself into a reason of why I should just delete it and start over later.

Usually it's because I'm pretty lame, and I'm afraid you'll all fall asleep before the end of the post.  You'll hit your head as it falls onto the keyboard.  Then, you'll start drooling, inevitably starting an electrical fire or something sinister like that.  I'll hear about all you people who were injured in a global (since I have a follower from the UK) epidemic (pandemic? one of them is worse than the other, but I don't have enough time to look it up, so we'll stick with epidemic), sources unknown, and then I'll feel guilty.

Anyway, I digress.

This was my first week back in the Indie Ink challenge, and I was really glad to be part of it again.  I love to write.  I love more that I have people that read what I write, whether it be good or bad or whatever.

Today I had an interview with America's Most Convenient Bank.  I''m hoping to hear back from the Human Resources lady this afternoon about an interview.  I keep crossing my fingers (toes, eyes, arms, and legs) that something is going to come through, so I guess really I have to feel content that I'm staying positive.

I have been blog stalking lately... I haven't had the "umph" to write my own posts, but I have been stalking others (including, but not limited to, Lilu, Mommy Wants Vodka, Jumble Mash, Everyday A, Mrs. Hyde, Sir, Alyssagoesbang, and My Plaid Pants).

I have come to the conclusion that:
1.) my blog is slightly more lame after reading everyone else's, and
2.) that I am super jealous of the level of tech-savvy that you peeps seem to have, and
3.) that I am even more pathetic for being jealous. :)

Ah, well. Who cares.  This is a broach into writing.  I promised myself at the beginning that I wouldn't hit the backspace* button at all in this post (except to correct spelling errors).

I'm going to call it a wrap on this one, because I feel that I just might be one of those people to suffer from that "unfortunate global epidemic" of falling asleep while I re-read this.

If anyone wants to email me with donations of time and effort and monotonous conversations with me about trying to explain how to make my page fancy, you can email me at I know My Plaid Pants has already tried to explain to me what the "Edit HTML" button does, but that went way over my head... I'm not sure if she's going to want to risk that kind of disaster converation with me again...

...but the rest of you peeps might.


  1. A. Your blog is not lame.
    B. I have little to no tech skills. I went with white because it felt clean.
    C. I'm jealous that you have more followers than me!


  2. I only have more followers now b/c two of them are the same person... oops. lol
