Thursday, June 2, 2011

Musings and Whatnot

Today marks June 1st.
I know this, because my cell phone told me.

Almost half of the year has gone by, and it made me think about some things that I'd like to get done, and proud of things that I have already accomplished this year.

Miss Amy (whose blog is quirky/funny, and who herself is quite endearing) inspired me a bit the other day with her "In May" post, which you can check out Here.  She wrapped up her month in a very succinct way, and made it seem, even if it wasn't, that she was mighty productive and got things done.  I think I am going to start something like this... because maybe it will make me feel more accomplished.

Things I Accomplished This Year:
-Quitting smoking.  Again.
Almost 5 months, and still going strong.
-Saved over $1,000 dollars in a savings account.
I'm super impressed that I could do this, because it's really hard for me to be able to put anything away, especially since I lost my job in April.
-Fulfilled my dream of being able to yell at the BINGO hall without getting accosted.
-Started writing again.
-Fell in love a little with Jack Johnson and Adele.

I feel like I should set some goals for June, but so far I'm not coming up with anything solid.  I think maybe my goal for June will be to set legit goals for July.  Yeah, that works.


  1. you overachiever, you! quitting smoking AND saving money? is that how much you would have spent on smokes? (hah! joking. mostly.). huge, dude.

  2. I wish! Actually, it's a bit more.. I probably would have saved about $200 a month... and I quit on January 7th, 2011... so, yeah... a bit more than that, basically... holy shit, when I add it up, I can't even imagine how I did that... geez.

  3. well good for you on all counts! wowee.
