Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Giggle Button!

Ladies and Gents, Peeps, Kids... Whomever you are and whatever you choose to answer to... something amazing has happened....

I made it to the GIGGLE BUTTON!

::jump up and down and giggle like said button describes::

Yes, that's right. I made the giggle button.  Someone recommended me to  Jumble Mash to be her random blog on the giggle button... For those of you who don't know, this is FANTASTIC and AWE-INSPIRING.

I might have to stop this post here, regroup, and come back... for those of you who are new, welcome! Read your way into my life, follow me, and comments are more than welcomed, they're almost necessary to my functioning as a semi-normal human being.

::going to regroup:::

1 comment:

  1. New Follower came over through the Giggle button and I think I'm gonna take off my coat and pull up a chair and stay a while if you don't mind. Congrats on being nominated :D
