Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Peep this, Peeps!

I received the best phone call last night from a friend, and immediately knew I had to share this with you.

I sat here watching the Giants game, minding my own business, when the phone started singing "Moves like Jagger".  (Whatever, don't even try to judge me... Moves like Jagger is the most awesome song to come out this year. Youtube it and thank me.)  I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Leina, and, knowing she was supposed to be at work, I thought something might be wrong, so I answered, curious.

She immediately started yelling at me.

"Thank God you answered the phone!  I just had your best friend in here and as soon as she opened her mouth, I wanted to kill you.  Why weren't you here to save me like I saved you?"

I had no idea what she was talking about until she clued me in...

"The lady said she was going to China."

Not really the Crazy Lady off to China, but you know... 
OMG PEEPS!  It's the Crazy Lady off to China!  You may remember her from an earlier post (which you can find here).  Leina got the update!

Apparently, she is still training for her Great Wall of China visit with her ancient mother... have no fear, though, she doesn't disappoint in the hilarity department.

She told Leina that she spends too much money (as she's buying coffee) and Leina says, "Isn't that awful when you realize that?"  The lady agrees, but then explains that she spent money for a good reason.  She donated $50 dollars to a woman in Parsippany whose dog needed neurological surgery or it would never walk again...

::shakes my head:::

How does this happen?


  1. neurological surgery or cervical surgery?

  2. next time we're going to need an *actual* photo

  3. @marian, I hsve no idea.

    @alyssa I will have to work on that. lol.
