Sunday, August 21, 2011

::Head Slap::

Yesterday found Sunshine as a stupid person.

Yes, it's true.  It happens, even to the best of us.  (meaning me)

To explain what happened, I first have to go back and explain to you when my moment of clarity happened, and then we can skip back to regular time. All that to just tell you I'm going to start from the beginning.  Forgive me, Peeps, it's been a long day.

Last week, as I was preparing to drive Mormon and his wife, Bad Mormon, to the airport for their vacation to Utah (couldn't make this up if I tried), I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to pick up my new favorite drink, a Hazelnut coffee coolata.  My most loyal followers will know that I live for anything coffee-and-hazelnut flavored, so this was supposed to be a happy trip to make.

Unfortunately, it was here, at my most beloved coffee shop, that I realized how awful human nature really is.

The girl behind the counter looked at me and said "how are you".  No "hi".  No inflection in her voice that made me think she actually knew that she was asking a question, rather than making a statement.  In short...


So, then and there, I vowed not to ask anyone "how are you" because we all know that we don't really care what the answer is... we just say it to be polite.  We're sheep.  We do it because other people do it, and we know that they expect us to do it.  But we don't care.

Anywho, so yeah, at work yesterday, as I sat in the dull-but-well-air-conditioned drive thru, I made my mistake.  A lady in a minivan drove up to the first lane and without thinking I just said "hi, how are you?".  THAT will teach me.

She replied with "Horrible.  I just got a ticket."

I said, "Oh, I'm sorry.  That sucks.  I don't really know what to say."

She said "Well, you asked."

I wanted to respond with "DON'T YOU KNOW YOU'RE JUST SUPPOSED TO RESPOND WITH "I'm good, how are you?"?!?!?!?!?!?!" Didn't get the memo, obviously.

::rolls eyes:::
This happen to you, Peeps?


  1. <3 the blog! Very honest and truthful! You have gained a new follower :)

  2. hah! yes.
    you wanna know my casual conversation pet peeve? of course you do. here it is: i hate how people respond when you say "thank you." if someone says "thank you," the appropriate response is "you're welcome." go pay attention and you'll see that people never say "you're welcome." you'll get "no problem," "oh, it was nothing," etc., all of which, to me, denigrates the thanks and the welcoming. YOU'RE WELCOME.

  3. That bothers the shit out of me too! My Asst. Manager says that all the time, and I'm like.. YES, IT OBVIOUSLY IS A PROBLEM IF YOU'RE TELLING ME IT'S NO PROBLEM. UGHSHDBSKJBNSDKJBSD!

    Stupid people.
