Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Indie ink time - I was challenged by Serena who can be found in her bewildered bug lair.  I challenged the lovely Grace, who I guess happened to hate my prompt for her, but mastered it nonetheless.  Check her out here. 

On with the show:

I found her standing a top one of our dining room chairs.  I just stood in the door way, shaking my head, waiting to understand the scene unfolding in front of me.

"Baby?" I said, purposefully not asking her what in Jesus H. Christ's name she was doing standing on the chair, her faded brown flip flop being held like a sword.  I know how to finesse these situations; don't laugh, don't overreact, and quietly coax the disastrous story out of her, all while making her feel safe.

The flip flop slowly started to fall as recognition crossed her face, but her guard went right back up when the shrill chirp of one of Mother Nature's creatures came from the next room.  Immediately, I understood.

I shook my head.  Girls.

You see, this makes sense.

My girl is brilliant.  She's smart, she's got her degree in English Literature and she can use big words that make your head spin.  She's brave, enough to stand up to a man almost twice her height and point her finger in his face, telling him where he can put his loud-mouth'd opinion.  She's funny as all hell, and has a smokin' hot body to boot.  She's not one of those "pink, glitter, hugs and unicorns" girls;  she drinks beer, rocks her Converse sneakers and her studded belt, and can swear like a sailor.  She can fix her own car, her own computer, and her own mistakes.

But, it never fails.   Bugs are her downfall.

"Baby, there's a cricket in the kitchen!  Kill it, okay?"

I shake my head again, take the flip flop from her hand and help her off the chair.  She looks at me like I'm the friggin' Messiah, and for a second, I fall even more in love with my bad ass girlfriend.

"I'll take care of it, don't worry."

Prompt: Pink glitter hugs and unicorns.

I wasn't really sure where to go with this, and unfortunately this week left me a little pressed for time, so while I do like where this story was going, I know that it isn't even close to being finished.  I hope to maybe write a bit more about these two soon.

Hope you're all not terribly disappointed, especially Serena. <3


  1. I liked it. I had no clue it was from a male POV until the end. I thought it was about a Mom finding her daughter up on a chair :)

    I hope you do get to write more. They sound like interesting characters

  2. Not disappointed at all! Just because you're pressed for time doesn't mean you can't crank out a good just means that it'll have to be short. And sometimes short is good. :)

  3. yes! bugs are her downfall. more!

  4. This was GREAT! I loved how you described this gal... "She can fix her own car, her own computer, and her own mistakes." That was my favorite. You are amazing, I always look forward to what you're going to bring to the table. Great job.
