Monday, July 4, 2011

Why me?: Story-telling Customer

The last few days, according to Glass Is Half-Empty, were slightly a bummer.

Well, I am here to share with you something that made those not-so-wonderful days worthwhile.  One of my customers gave me a gift this week, and I was so touched and inspired that I felt a desperate need to share it with you immediately. But, before I do, I am going to pass on the information that my co-workers shared with me after this customer had left.  They said, in no uncertain terms, that I was not to give the gift back to the man, and I was not to leave it lying around where he could see I'd neglected it.  Simple, easy directions.  Also, they passed on congratulations to me and informed me that I was now a "real" member of the group.  

Here is the gift, written word for word, as (one can only assume) intended by the author: 

"Happy New Year"
Many moons ago I was a lad of 10 years old
Sitting with paper and pen
I was also trying to  eat
When this dog showed up tired and beat
I didn't want the dog to die alone
So I went out and got a big soup bone
Six bones later I went out to where the dog lay
Spot was barking and barking he wanted to play
I threw out a stick to the dog he bought it back
I threw it out again and spot brought it back again
I say to the dog you are my best friend
I talked to the dog like a silly goof
I said to the dog what is on top of the house
The dog barked roof roof
I said to the dog a question of thee
What is my life going to be
I said not one time but I said three and said that's enough
Spot put his head down and growled 
Rough! Rough! Rough!

I am all out of explanations.  Please feel free to leave anything you can make out of this... and we can start at "Why was this given to me in July?".