Sunday, July 3, 2011

Glass is half-empty

So, peeps, the last couple of days have been a bit of a bummer.  

I tried to come up with a way to sum it all up succinctly, but even that wasn't cooperating with me, so I bailed on that idea as well.

I had an incident at work, at the new job, which I'm sure will amount to a write-up after the holiday passes.
(This incident caused me to gip someone, which makes me feel even worse, because apparently I'm a moral being. Go figure.)

Love life drama ensued.  Really, that should be enough said. I ask for it though, because I keep walking in to it.

I was kept out of the Indie Ink Challenge this week because I missed the deadline for posting a challenge.  To whomever was my chalengee, I apologize.  I don't like to be that person.  I just lost track of time.  Well, I'm really upset about this because the Indie Ink Challenge brings a lot of happiness to my daily life.

A mirror broke in our house... not an average sized mirror... a WALL-LENGTH mirror. Huge. Huge.  GIGANTIC.  Now we're collectively trying to figure out whether or not we're going to have 7 years of bad luck ... how do the circumstances have to present? Does it still count if no one is home when it happens?

I missed this week's episode of Whale Wars.

What a serious bummer of a weekend.
:::shakes my head:::


  1. Bummer. At least you started a new week today! Hope this week is better than the last!

  2. dude, you are gonna be just fine. that mirror is bringing you good luck. i'm not in indie this week either, life just became too much for me. sometimes that happens. you are loved. xoxo!

  3. Glass half empty?! This is my area of expertise! Sadly I have nothing positive to add to cheer you up. Well, maybe that you can look forward to some of the ups in between all the downs. See? I'm not good at cheering up.
