Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Snip Snip

Peeps!  For your reading pleasure....

She came in and sat down in front of me.  

There were no pleasantries.  There were no laughs, hugs, or extra smiles if they weren’t absolutely necessary.  It wasn’t so much an awkward silence, as it was more that we both knew what our purpose was and we kept to it.  That’s fine with me.  I don’t really want to be a therapist.  I am not here to hold your hand or be your mother, despite what other people in my shoes would tell you. 

This girl, this child almost, was in misery.  I stood back, watching her face in the mirror as I worked methodically, and wondered what happened to her that this was the ultimate result.  Tears streamed down her face.  Her eyes, bloodshot and swollen, looked as if they’d been leaking for hours with no break.  Her nose, as well, was cherry red as she repeatedly wiped it over and over, struggling to maintain a modicum of composure.

Realizing that she wasn’t going to want to talk to me, I started humming to myself.  It was just a tune, I couldn’t put my finger on, but as soon as I finished the first string of notes, she glared at me through the mirror.  Her gaze sent chills down my spine, and froze me to the bone, so much so that I actually stopped what I was doing, mid-action.  I immediately lowered my tone and set back to work, hoping to get rid of her as fast as possible, now that I was feeling extremely uncomfortable. 

As I finished up, I was still humming, and it escalated into a crescendo.  This crying woman in front of me looked about to kill me.  I cleared my throat, obviously flustered, and said the only thing I could think to say….

“…would you like to schedule your follow-up appointment for a color treatment?”

The glare on her face told me that she wouldn’t be coming back to this salon ever again.  That’s when I realized what I'd been humming... 

I guess that’s why they call it the blues.

I love Indieink!  I am back in the challenge, baby!  Yay!  

This week I was challenged by the most awesome Michael over at Incidents and Accidents with the prompt "I guess that's why they call it the blues".  In turn, I challenged Stefan, my first international follower (!!!!) with "somewhere over the rainbow".  You can see his response H.E.R.E.


  1. you're nuts. that's all. yay!

  2. Oh yes, I have seen that look.... the disenchantment that comes from a style/color/cut gone horribly wrong...great twist on this challenge!

  3. I love love love this. Fun! <3

  4. Haha, that was mean! But liked it. :)
    - andrea

  5. Nice take on the challenge.
