Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"What A Week"

 "What A Week"
Sunday night, chit chat,
Empty promises,
"Baby, I miss you"'s, and all that.
Lost on Monday, missing Tuesday,
“What’s your schedule like?" on Wednesday.
Thursdays come and go, solo,
And I got my hopes up again for a no show.
Friday, I start to forget your name.
Saturday is much the same.
Slowly built up, but quickly let down,
It’s pretty pathetic I know the routine now.
All I wanted was some attention,
But you don't even deserve honorable mention.


  1. dude, your poem RHYMES. that is just wonderful!
    also? you better be ditching this bitch or i will have to come down there and do some damage.

  2. mucho gusto. but, i do not like that his happens to you. (or me.) i think we're just too awesome for other people to handle. yeah, i'm gonna stick with that

  3. I'm with Marian on this one. Ditch the bitch! Awesome poem though. xx

  4. I hope we're not still talking about the same chick from weeks ago! Didn't everyone veto your involvement with her already?! But good poem. :)

  5. I love you all. <3 Nothing is going on, really, I just had that moment of inspiration.
