Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Love stinks.

I wanted to submit this post to keep you Peeps entertained while I'm being forced to handle a lot of adult things that are really above my pay grade.

I was sparked with an idea to write about my experience with unrequited love after having stalked read Didactic Pirate's story of unrequited love.  He really inspired me to share my idiocy, no offense, Sir Pirate.

I was, and still am, a sucker for L'amour.  Any sort of door holding, flower giving, chivalry, white horse, fairytale shit, I love it.  Bring it on.  It will bring tears to my eye and add an extra size to my heart.

Now, when I was in high school, I really thought that I was in love with a boy named Steven.  He was a friend, a part of "the group".... and oh, yeah, he was interested in my cousin Kelli.  (This is after I had gotten over the fact that I was smitten with my sister's boyfriend, too.  I know, I need therapy.)

I suffered in silence, not one to interrupt Steven's attempt at love with Kelli.  I sat with it all summer until August, when it was time for Steven to go back to South Carolina... here is where my idealistic views of love and romance come in...

I wrote out my feelings.  I cried my heart out about why he should want to be with me, because we would be cute together, I would give him massages, we could hold hands, and watch movies, and things would be rainbows and butterflies!  (well, not butterflies, cuz they scare me.)  I really thought that my idea was going to be romantic, he'd get tears in his eyes, his heart would swell too, and we'd run off into the sunset together in my Chevy Corsica.

Did I mention that I wrote this all out on post-its, and stuffed it into his High School Jacket pocket while he was sleeping?

Yeah... I was that girl.  (Don't try to deny it, I know you all did some pathetic things, too... feel free to share)


  1. This is soooooo Season Three of One Tree Hill!!!

    I'm just kidding. I love this story. And I'm glad my lovesick youth, filled with heartbreak, helped you rediscover it. You poor kid.
