Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ain't no Sunshine

Want to know how to spell “livid”?


Yeah, I know it’s been a long time since Sunshine has been hindered by storm clouds, but it’s been one of those days.  I am just to the point where, aside from a select few, I want to scream from the rooftops, “you can all kiss my ass.” (Not you, interweblings, you’re all wonderful.)

But seriously, tonight is one of those nights where I wish I was an anonymous blogger.  Granted that not many of my personal friends and family are actively reading this blog, but some have been known to frequent it, or know people who frequent it… so I can’t really say what I want to say specifically to just vent it all out.  Ya get me?

However, if I could, it would look something like this:

If I could actively hate another human being, it would be you.  I would love nothing more than to turn my hatred for you into a physical event, like cow tipping or archery.  I despise you and everything that you pretend to stand for. You are nothing, nothing to me, and nothing to everyone else.

You are the antithesis of everything I am trying to be; you are a diseased leech and a parasite, both to society and to people I love.  I’ve watched you abuse more than enough people to realize that you are not a good human being or friend.  You take what you want, like a bully, and leave nothing but chaos, destruction, and pain in your path.  You are a terrorist in every sense of the word.

Go away.  Go find some other people to harass.  You gush, spew, and name-drop like it was going out of style, and you create these stories that make you larger than life, so go find yourself with these fictional characters and live in your fantasy world where you are King.  I’m sure you’ll like it there, filled with your ‘subjects’ who will bow down to you, kiss your feet like you think you deserve, and tell you over and over again how wonderful you are.

I just hope that when you break your word and your promises to them, that they overthrow you easily like the nothing that you are, and treat you like the fool you deserve to look like.  I’d say I wish you well, but that’d be a lie.

Yeah, Peeps, it’s been one of those days.


  1. In the begining for me as I blogged I let a few people know. After a year in a half I stopped blogging. I put my blog on private for 4 months. I came back to delete some posts and all my comments. I hope that kept my them away, lol.

  2. "a physical event, like cow tipping or archery." < AHAHAHAHA

    seriously though, eff that person.
