Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mother Nature, thou art a heartless bitch.

2011 is definitely not the North East's year, that's for sure. 

First, Hurricane Irene came in and took out her pms on us, then the Earthquake that rocked the East from Virginia to Connecticut (which I am STILL mad that I didn't feel, but that's another story), and now the freak snow storm before Halloween.  

Mother Nature really needs to get her shit together. 

In the words of my cousin, who put a bus on our street?!

Mother Nature granted us with over a foot of snow in a freak snow storm that caused more destruction than the Hurricane back in August.  I have never seen so many trees broken, snapped in half, destroyed, in my entire life.  It looks as if God himself came down from the Heavens and snapped every single one in half like a toothpick.  

It's unreal. 

This telephone pole (with what I can assume is a transformer, though it didn't speak to me like Optimus Prime) just hung out in the middle of the street for a few days.  It was tired of standing straight up and needed a vacation.

Then, even better, as we were trying to get out of our neighborhood, we saw this gem.  Maybe it's time for the sprinklers to be shut off for the year... I'm pretty sure the snow doesn't need to be watered.

 The best part of the whole thing? I got to make this for someone :)

1 comment:

  1. i love the heart xoxoxxox
    here in western MA, we had a very destructive tornado before the hurricane and the earthquake.
    yet when i was driving earlier this week, i fully expected a horde of zombies to come shuffling down the road.
    TOTALLY FREAKY BAD. i'm glad you have power again.
