Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Next Great Adventure

Big news, Peeps.

This week, I made a life decision, which could either turn out to be amazing, adventurous, wonderful, and life changing, or it could turn out to be monumentally disastrous and an epic fail.

For those of you that know me, or are at least familiar with me, or have at least read the “about me” on the right side of this page, you’ll see that I am a Boston Red Sox fan ‘trapped’ by life’s circumstance (and the fact that I was born and raised here) in, let’s face it, Yankee country.

Well, that is about to change, my friends.

This week I applied for a job in Boston, Massachusetts.

(One that I am likely to get, btw.  I wouldn’t put this out there without you guys thinking that it was just a whim.)

I’m not even going to lie a little, I am a scared mess right now.  Honestly, if I were a caricature, I’d be the tiny little Chihuahua teetering on the brink of a nervous break down, backed up into a corner and nervously peering from side to side.  Everyone keeps saying that I should be excited, and this is going to be an adventure, and what I’ve always dreamed of doing, and I am, don’t get me wrong, but with that excitement comes the nervous-I’m-going-to-vomit feeling and doubt.

What if I can’t do it?

What if I fail?

I’m terrified of failing, ending up homeless and living on a bench in Boston Common.  What would I even do?  I would be pitiful.  Thankfully, my friend live there and I hope hope hope that they wouldn’t let me become destitute and a bum, (how would I write the Awesome Blog?!?!?!?!?!?!) but you never know.

I would love to hear from any of you who’ve ever decided to just up and move away from everyone and everything you’ve ever known.  Do you have a success story? How about an epic fail?


  1. you have a fallback, i am so close by! you can always come and camp here if you need to. i will come and collect you. but you won't need to, because you will rock the City of Beans.

  2. All great decisions walk hand in hand with fear. I think it'll be great, I think you'll learn allot about yourself. Well done for not doing the easy thing and settling.

  3. I understand it's scary, but it's doable! I gave up everything to move to India. I didn't even have a job! Sometimes you just have to take the leap. Of course your friends will be there to catch you if you need us! xo I'm proud of you.

  4. Don't be scared. When I was 22 I packed up my Jeep and moved 3000 miles across the country to Las Vegas. By myself. Where I knew no one within 2000 miles. I lived in a weekly apartment in one of the worst neighborhoods (I didn't know that at the time) and 8 years later I don't regret it one bit. It made my 20's pretty memoir-worthy. Do it.

    PS My best friend just moved to Boston, she is a PhD student at Boston U. She loves it.

  5. It led me to nothing but success. Sometimes it just needs to be done. Best of luck!!!

  6. hey what's the latest on your move to MA, dearest? we are waiting for you!!!
