Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Made That.

Ladies and gentleman, lend me your ears (or eyes, as it were), for I have the best story to tell you all!

Last night, as I was sitting in the Drive-Thru, my work computer asked me to change my password for one of the many that I am responsible for... Pretty normal.

No problem, right? Wrong.

The problem lies in the fact that in order to write down my password, I needed a pencil so that when the time comes that I have to change it again, I can just erase and be on my merry way.  Well, I found a pencil, but was lacking a pencil sharpener.  This is a serious problem, only second to "which is worse: having a cigarette with no lighter, or a lighter with no cigarette?".

I sat staring at my blunt pencil for a few minutes when it came to me... I could totally sharpen it into a point.

Well, the man that I closed with yesterday was not one of our dysfunctional family, so he isn't really used to my shenanigans.  He's very subdued, with a quirky look to him which makes me feel like he's a time-traveler from the sixties.  He had this Mad Men look about him, and wore the thickest glasses that I've ever seen.  I actually told him that I thought they were thicker than bullet proof glass, which led to an explanation about cost vs. thickness that I didn't really care for and ignored.

I think Creepy was very surprised to see my creative side.  Actually, what he said when he saw what I was up to was, "Wow, that is some of the ghetto-est shit I've ever seen.  Pardon my language."  Verbatim.  I wanted to say, well, you've never seen what I've had to do to get my car to stay together, because this is nothing.

What I did, folks, is take a knife out of our kitchen drawer and WHITTLE the pencil into a point.

How ingenious is that?

As I shared my ordeal with Arnold, who I tell all my stupid thoughts to, I felt pretty damn proud of myself.  I thought to myself, "Damn, Val.  You could totally survive in the wild.  Bear Grylls has nothing on you."  I felt like I was climbing the lesbian-ladder, because as we all know I'm terrible at fixing things properly or doing anything remotely involved with technology, so the fact that I thought this up all on my own was pleasantly surprising.

Especially after my last lesbian ordeal with the toilet seats... but that is a story for another time.

Keep laughing, keep smiling. Just go with it. <3