Monday, October 10, 2011

Crown Jewels

Ladies and gentlemen.... oh, who am I kidding, Peeps, we're not that classy around here.  This is what's goin' down:  Someone thinks I'm a "Kreativ Blogger" and I deserve pretty, shiny, picturey awards!

The rules of this bad boy are to share seven random things about myself, answer some [personal, or not so since I blog about almost everything] questions, and pass it around, woot!

Share 7 random things about myself:
-I love country music.  I can totally get down to Rascal Flatts, Dixie Chicks, and Garth Brooks.
-I do NOT like chocolate sprinkles.  If I go for sprinkles, it's gotta be rainbow.
-I am full of astronomical trivia.  I can tell you why the sky is blue.
-I like peach snapple, but I don't like peaches, and I do like nectarines.
-Sometimes, when I pull up to the big white lines that go across the road, I feel like Paul Walker from Fast and the Furious. 
-My left hand is numb right now.
-My eye twitches when I get stressed out. 

Answer the following questions:
Fav. Color: Yellow.
Fav. Song: Right now, it's "Stereo Hearts" by Gym Class Heroes
Fav. Dessert: Pecan Pie
Biggest Pet Peeve: Being Interrupted.
When you are upset you: keep it in until I can't handle it anymore, then vent at anyone in the vicinity.
Fav. Pet: Dogs
Black or white: Yellow.
Biggest Fear: Animals that Fly
Best Feature: My eyes
Every attitude: I don't know that this means. 
What is perfection?: Seeing the flaws and looking past them. 
Guilty Pleasure: Cheesy romance movies and Disney movies.

I am going to pass this along to my most favorite poet ever, Runaway Sentence, who does amazing things with words. 

Thank you very much, miss Ashley at She Who Will Be Tamed, for taking the time to think I am worthy of such fabulousness. You're great!

1 comment:

  1. what! favorite poet ever? you need to read more poetry.
    so you have explained to me why the sky is blue! and listen, you are missing an important linguistic distinction:
    chocolate JIMMIES
    rainbow SPRINKLES.
