Monday, February 13, 2012

Buttercream Wishes and Piggy Bank Dreams

Yep -- You read it right.  This week Val challenged herself to the small endeavor of learning how to Cake Decorate (along with the help, patience, and guidance of her favorite up-and-coming Cake Decorator, Caroline, owner and proprietor of Cakes by Caroline).

I baked them the night before - I was dedicated!

I carted them wrapped in tinfoil across half the state of NJ and into NY State.

Car doesn't fuck around - she's got tools!

I did the grass.  It's not as easy as she made it out to be. 

We ended up with a menagerie of Piggy Bank cupcakes (which may or may not have saved my ass from getting many tickets after being pulled over that day) and everyone thought I bought them at the bakery.

Obviously after we were finished, it was time to get silly with the Icing.

Finally, this is how I carted them home... no judging!
All in all, it was an awesome experience, one I'm super excited to replicate again, and it was with an amazing friend with the patience of a saint. <3

Anyone in the Tri-State area wanting or needing a cake should definitely contact Caroline.


  1. that is AWESOME! who knew you'd like doing that?
    i have become a kind-of competitive birthday cake decorator. never saw that coming! but it's so SATISFYING.

  2. I love you Val! Thanks for the shout out and we shall decorate again! :D think of some fun ideas for next time <3

  3. Why are there 11? To be clear, I'd eat the 12th.
