Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What the Bleep.

Kids, what the BLEEP is going on around here?

I have been completely out of sorts for the last month, I realize, but that does not give Blogger the right to go around changing their layout and shit.... That's just rude!  I mean, honestly.

I will concede, maybe it's me, but I don't think so.  I did have to break up with Google Chrome becauase it was fucking around on the side.  Everyday A knows exactly what I mean because she dated Google Chrome before me.  You can read about their breakup here. 

Anywho -- I thought that I was going to make some things happen in my life and shake things up a bit, but you know what they say about plans, right? If not, well... if you want to see God laugh, tell him your plans.  Two weeks ago I applied for a more-than-part-time but less-than-full-time position in Peabody, Massachusetts at the bank.  I have pretty much decided that I'm over the tri-state area, and was getting ready to start my life somewhere else.  I went so far as to apply, contact the manager of the branch, and set up a skype interview.  I was pretty much a phone call away from packing up my entire life and moving out on my own, when all of a sudden the new kid up and quit saying he had to "go back to Equador" or something like that...

So... between someone being fired (which sucked bigtime b/c I love her) and the new kid quitting (which I'm not too broken up over)... they had a few hours to smush together and offer me a full time position! HOORAY!  For those of you who have been keeping up with my tragic employment-life this past year, you will know that this is my first full-time job since I was laid off Last April. 

Finally, I am starting to feel like a productive member of society again!  Even better, I don't *have* to work at Mystery, Inc. anymore... I can work there because I CHOOSE to...

::sighs of relief and high fives everywhere:::

Props to me, Peeps... and here's to hoping for more good things to come.

PS. I've missed you guys... Sorry I disappeared for a while... I seemed to have lost myself... but I think I'm finally coming back. <3

1 comment:

  1. okay, props. woot! but you must at least come visit. i mean, visit ME.
