Friday, April 27, 2012

Hi, my name is Valerie, and I'm an addict.

No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you – tis I, Sunshine, back from the great beyond (aka, my job, the Land of the Soul-Sucking Old, and adulthood).

I’ve only just managed to break free from the proverbial chains which bind me to my plight.  Who knows how long I’ll have before they notice I’ve escaped, so without further ado, I’d like to present to you an interesting development that I’ve recently discovered about myself during and throughout my adventures.

I am a grocery store junkie.

Honest to blog, I’ve come to realize that I am addicted to the grocery store.  I find myself there at least once a day, whether it’s for food for work, simple necessities that I’ve forgotten during the week, or for a sale that makes me so excited, I feel like Macguiver on Super Market Sweep.
Last week, as I was regaling Helen Keller with my life stories, catching up, what have you, I remembered that there was a sale the day before on Arizona Iced Teas (you know the ones, .99 cents for the large cans that are an excellent deal in and of themselves??). They were on sale 2 for $1 (!!!!!).  I was extremely excited.  I decreed, after we had finished our frozen yogurt, that we needed to venture to the grocery store, so that I might stock up on them while they were so cheap. Who could possibly turn down a BOGO event?!

(Buy one, get one, for those of you who don’t know.)

(She laughed at me and told me that I needed to get out more if this was going to be the highlight of my week, which it was.)

I didn’t realize that I had a problem until Helen laid out for me that I grocery store hop between three different ones in connecting towns. Acme is closest to my house and convenient when I need to get something for home.  Stop & Shop has pistachio muffins that are to die for, and a great salad bar, but is inconvenient to get to when I’m on my lunch break.  Kings Grocery store has a salad bar as well; it’s not as cheap as S&S, but it’s closer, and I’m able to get there on my break and get back in time to actually eat said lunch.  However, the downside to Kings is that a boy asked me out there (in front of his friend, which was awkward) and I turned him down (not so politely, but then again, that wouldn’t be my style) and now I feel a little awkward every time I run in to him, but that’s a story for another day.  I digress.

As if being addicted to grocery stores wasn’t bad enough, I’ve discovered that this disease is HEREDITARY, passed down from the male line.  As far as I can tell, it has only made an appearance in my family’s family tree since my father’s generation, but I’m sure it will run rampant as the branches continue to grow.


  1. I only go to the grocery store because I have to feed my husband and I only go ONCE a week. Unless I'm out of boxed wine, then of course...

  2. This made me laugh aloud. I love the grocery store. I had a few extra dollars the other day and said to Meg, "now that i have money i want to go buy something at A&P!"
