Monday, July 27, 2020

In Five Years - Rebecca Serle

In Five Years: A Novel - Kindle edition by Serle, Rebecca ...

Where do you see yourself in five years? What is your long term plan? Do you have a long term plan, or do you not think that far ahead?

"In Five Years" by Rebecca Serle makes her readers think about these questions, and whether or not there is room for deviation. Are you the kind of person who just knows what you're meant to do? Dannie is. She is in line for the perfect job, and dating the perfect guy who she knows will propose to her exactly at the right time for them, and they'll live in the perfect apartment on Central Park, and the world will be theirs. However, the night after the interview for the perfect job to launch her lawyer career, Dannie falls asleep and wakes up five years in the future with a different man, a different apartment, and completely disoriented. How is this possible? Dannie falls asleep once more and wakes back up in her 'normal' life, but with the memories of a completely different future.

I started reading this novel thinking that I was going to find a woman whose future changes dramatically, and to watch as certain events changed her life. I thought this was going to be a magical love story. Fortunately, and unfortunately, I was totally wrong. This is a love story, 100%, but not the kind you're thinking about. No spoilers here.

I loved this story so much. I started reading it on the beach at 9:00 am, and finished it by 3:00 pm. A lady on the beach asked me how I felt about it, and I completely gushed over it. She told me it'd come up on her social media and she couldn't wait to read it, so when I was finished I walked over to her and gave her the book with the hope that she'll pass it on to someone else once she's finished.

TL;dr - read this unconventional love story, come back and tell me your thoughts about it, and where you see yourself In Five Years. I can't wait to hear all about it.

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