Friday, December 10, 2010

PMS Face

I love to people-watch. 

If I'm quiet for any length of time, you can be sure that I am in the midst of people-watching.  People are so extremely similiar, it's disgusting. 

This afternoon, after work, I was on the highway driving home.... well, more like sitting in traffic on the highway, begging any higher power up there to remove the traffic from my way, or at least grant me the superpower to teleport myself (and my car, if that was possible) magically into my driveway... when I came across one of the reasons for the traffic... Accident.

The best part of this accident was that it was one of those rare 3-car accidents.  These are almost as elusive as the lochness monster.  So, as I'm sitting, waiting for the rest of the passengers on the highway to check out this accident, and everything else going on, including watching the deer eat whatever-the-hell they eat on the side of the road, I'm watching these people involved in the accident.  Man number one is the first to venture out of his car -- this is where it starts getting good.  He walks out, hands on hips like a 12-year old girl, and practically marches to the back of his car.  He is wearing the PMS-face, which is already multiplied x 20 with his use of hands-on-hips.  Ladies, if you've ever been pissed off at anyone in your life, you know exactly what the PMS-face is.  For the men, or anyone who doesn't automatically know what this face is, I'll spell it out for you:  the mouth is set in a grimmace, teeth gritted together like if it opens, the world will crumble with the sound of a scream, and the eyes get narrow and look like at any moment lazers will start firing from the iris.

So, PMS-face'd man walks hands-on-hips to the back of the car and starts touching the car, like his finger tips have magical healing powers to fix dented fiber glass.  I shake my head to this man, while I'm sitting in the safety of my own vehicle, telling him "good luck" while the windows are all rolled up. 

I want to know why everyone, including myself, are guilty of getting out of the car after an accident with the PMS-face on, looking at everyone else involved in the situation, giving a grunt-sound, and trying to touch the damage as if you can fix it?!  Looking from the outside, it's just ridiculous.  We are strange creatures, we humans.

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