It is a well known fact that yours truly has a tendency to become obsessed with various pop culture related items and ideas. For example, this year’s obsessions include, but are not limited to: Carly Rae Jepson’s “Call Me, Maybe”, Justin Bieber’s “Boyfriend”, The Big Bang Theory, cinnamon tea, and Burt’s Bees Chapstick. These aforementioned items have been, at times, the most important part of Sunshine’s day. (Unfortunately, it’s true, my girlfriend can attest.)
The latest, and let’s face it, the greatest obsession that I have had in the year 2012 is my new found love for a nine hundred year old alien from a planet that no longer exists, a blue ‘police box’, a piece of metal that ‘hums’ and various human companions, all of which come together to explore, adventure, and ultimately save the world from alien invasion and destruction, all while still managing to keep the suspense and romantic entanglements alive. Yes, I am in love with Doctor Who.
I was going to start this paragraph with, “Now, before you mock me, hear me out…” but I’ve realized… my readers are nerds, too. You’re all going to surprise me with, “I’ve been a Whovian for YEARS!” and “Allons-y!” and “It’s brilliant!” (Except Dr. Cynicism, I’m sure he’s going to laugh at me.)
I was dead set against watching this show. When my best friend and I decided to make a small Gentleman’s Agreement, I was torn apart. I wanted her to fulfill her side of the bargain (which she STILL hasn’t done, some gentleman she is) while letting me out of my end of the deal. No such luck. She pressured and practically all out hounded me about my progress with the Doctor, and I kept telling her no, that it was crap. I was adamant that only science nerds would ever want to watch this ‘garbage’ and also that I didn’t like British humor. Well, here I am, eating my words. This show is beyond brilliant. I am in awe of the staff and creators who put this Whoniverse together.
There is, however, a problem.
I continue to mourn my favorite character! Let me explain.
The Doctor is a Time Lord; that’s his specie. He is the last of a race which doesn’t exist anymore. His people, though they can die, have the ability to regenerate themselves as a survival instinct. This is also a fancy way for the producers to be able to replace the main character of the show without losing much credibility and possibly the fan base, or in this case, the following. Brilliant, they are. An issue for me is that even though the character is the same, the producers make the storyline blatantly and painfully obvious that you’re really just saying goodbye to the actor.
It's really hard to mourn the loss of one person but be completely transfixed by his or her replacement, especially when I am watching them like a crazy person (i.e. back to back, no stopping except for sleep and the occasional shift at work, through all the seasons on my stolen netflix, thanks to my best friend Susie). I spent roughly 12 hours falling in love with one man (save the bad lesbian jokes for later) only to have him ripped away from me in an instant! Who cares if the goodbye and farewell was beautiful and tear-jerking?!?! Well, guess what, the-British-equivalent-of-

There are just too many fantastic people on this show; they’ve got to be breaking some kind of television law – isn’t someone always supposed to be disliked? I’m pretty sure that it’s become mandatory for everyone on this show to be adored.
It comes down to this – I’m addicted to Who. Are you?